Sometimes you want to start drawing but you simply don't know where to begin. That is what this post seeks to help you with. Follow these inspirations for the next week to start you on your sketching journey. You don't need to be precious about the sketch, spend as much time as you're able but it doesn't have to be hours. The point is to help you get started, not to make a masterpiece.
Day 1
Something from your Room.
Take a look around your room and find something you don't usually pay attention to, something mundane. If you're finding it daunting try picking something with a simple shape.
Day 2
Your Favorite Season
Today is a bit easier, pick your favorite season and sketch the first thing that comes to mind to represent that season.
Day 3
Your Favorite Person or Character
Pick your favorite person, they can be real or imaginary, and sketch them. It doesn't have to be realistic why not try a different style? you can always go to Pinterest for inspiration.
Day 4
Your Favorite Candy
What's your favorite candy? You could draw the candy itself, or the wrapper, or maybe some candy spilling out of the bag. get creative with it.
Day 5
A Bouquet of your Favorite Flowers
This one is a favorite of mine, I love to draw flowers. Which flowers are your favorite? why not add a few different flowers, to add some dimension.
Day 6
A Fairytale
This one is the broadest prompt on this list. You could draw something from a fairytale, or something in a fairytale style. There's no need to be scared, head over to Pinterest find some inspiration and get creative.
Day 7
Something that Makes You Smile
For the last day let's have some fun. What makes you smile? Is it your family? Your pet? A sunset? Chocolate Cake? Whatever it is, celebrate completing this week with something that makes you smile.
You did it! One whole week of sketching!!
If you feel up to sharing your work, make sure to tag Snips and Snaps. I would love to see your beautiful work.